
FullEphemerisPropagator.jl is an astrodynamics library written in pure Julia for the propagation of the translational state of a spacecraft in high-fidelity dynamics models:

\[\ddot{\boldsymbol{r}} = -\dfrac{\mu}{r^3} \boldsymbol{r} + \sum_i \boldsymbol{a}_{\mathrm{body}\,i} + \boldsymbol{a}_{\mathrm{srp}}\]

The library is essentially a wrapper around DifferentialEquations.jl, leveraging its numerical integration ecosystem. Ephemerides of celestial bodies are queried using JPL's SPICE kernels, which are handled via SPICE.jl.

Current capabilities include:

  • N-body equations of motion (restricted two-body + 3rd body perturbations)
  • Solar radiation pressure
  • Propagation of state-transition matrix (STM) together with the state

Package dependencies

Using this package requires the following Julia packages:

  • LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays, SPICE, OrdinaryDiffEq, Symbolics, SymbolicsUtils, Printf

In addition, relevant SPICE kernels must be downloaded and furnsh-ed. The minimum required kernels (for simple N-body propagation) is the leapseconds kernel (typically naif0012.tls, see here) and the ephemeris kernel (typically de440.bsp for major solar system bodies, see here).

Some generic kernels may be found at the NAIF website: https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/


To setup and use the library, run

pkg> add https://github.com/Yuricst/FullEphemerisPropagator.jl.git